May 15, 2024

Not Buyer Beware, Buyer Aware

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Drew Grossklaus, Sales Director/BIC East Cooper

I am an overthinker.  I will overthink things to death at the detriment of my mind and possibly my body.  This trait of mine, like most, becomes full blown when looking at an important life purchase such as cars or homes.  There is no doubt that we all want to feel that we made the most informed decision possible.  I have learned that having this trait means that I do a lot of research on purchases.  It seems now that the places to search are seemingly endless.  For example, if you do a simple search for Charleston homes on Google you will find 47,900,000 results.  Yes – that is correct. There are 47 million suggestions to click on.  As you can imagine, not all 47 million will have good and accurate information. If you are a fellow overthinker, you might now be overthinking and feeling stressed that there are such a vast number of informational websites.  You might also consider that many of the websites in the search do not inform, as so much to garner clicks that are related to revenue.

All this again points to the importance of real estate agents and what they do.  When working with a buyer, agents start with the knowledge of the area and listen to the needs and wants of their client, giving them ideas of places that may suit those preferences.  They work at finding options and look ahead at possible positives and negatives for the buyer to help guide the decision on whether to visit a home, and what to be mindful of when looking at that home.  Agents then perform a detailed pricing analysis to give a basis on the reasoning (or possible lack of reasoning) in pricing and find comparable homes for sale or ones that have been sold.  The agent will often have or be able to access information about comparable properties that may not be available to the public on the internet.  If the client finds a home that they would like to make an offer on, the agent will inform them about the market analysis of the home and the current market conditions, like demand. These factors will help determine the best strategy to get the home under contract.

When the home is under contract, additional work begins in assisting with appropriate inspections on the home.  The agent will help their client to consider issues and what work, or a credit, may be in consideration to be negotiated with the seller.  The agent continues to facilitate the transaction through closing. They assist with the buyer’s lender or banker, insurance provider, attorney, and keep up with the seller’s representative to make sure that all items are on track.  The days before closing become hectic as final pieces for a loan or making sure cash is at the attorney’s office, insurance is in place, closing scheduled, and final walkthrough are conducted.

However, the agent-client relationship does not end with a closing for William Means agents. The unparalleled level of service we provide is viewed as the beginning of a long-term relationship that continues long after closing. All of this is what I, the overthinker, need to feel good about, in regards to the largest purchase of my life. It is of great value to me, and here at William Means, we know it is of great value to our buyer clients.



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